Saturday, November 21, 2009

Eye Contact

So, last night I was working on some of my aikido techniques with my wife (who can taken a little aikido, but it has been a while for her). I get her to attack me and I step into my technique...and it doesn't work. I try again..and a third time. Finally I realize, 1. i'm not affecting an off-balance. This is simple because she isn't really being a terribly honest attacker, isn't commiting much into it and thus there is nothing to build an off-balance on. 2. I realize i'm in the wrong position for several of the attacks. This is because she's not maintaining eye contact.

Now.. obviously when you'r fighting someone you want to maintain eye contact. This is obvious!...isn't it? For any martial artist it is..but most of the people who might attack you aren't trained fighters. Now yes, I imagine that a large portion of them will still want to maintain eye contact with you - but that doesn't mean that all of them will have that sense of mind. They may allow their gaze to wander.

Now it is also true that with several of the techniques, even being in the incorrect placement, I could still effect an offbalance; it just wouldn't be as comfortable for the uke. However, I do have to wonder how many of our techniques might be rendered less (or completely) ineffective just by something as simple as the attacker not maintaining eye contact/not trying to be turned to look to us.

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